To be able to make things right at the first without endless iteration rounds, and costly material expences, you need to start from the scratch with no assumptions with no thoughts like, "yeah, I just do something and everything turns good, I think..", WRONG ! Streamliners are like individuals, unique designs made for one person only, the driver. What is good for someone, isn't necessary good for someone else, thats where you need sister-projects. But I found out that before you can start building your sister project I introduced few days back, I need "little sister"-project, which makes sure that sister project will be a success and I don't need to rip it apart because of some stupid mistake I forgot. So that is why I will do this, lets say "LS"-project before "S"-project.
LS-project is a first geometry construction where driver is planted into a machine and its geometry. In LS-project you make your first study of crank setup, seating position, seating angle, crank height, crank distance, your FOV and height and lenght study. When all these are, lets say, in some form, you need to confirm your decisions. Because the streamliner is a faired bike, you need to keep that in mind in every point of the project. No matter if you have the perfect seat and crank setup, you cant be sure if that is rational what comes to fairing. If your cranks stick out from the smooth line of fairing, what do you do? move cranks, or make fairing bigger? what if perfect crank and seat height will block your FOV (field of view)? what do you do, and with what costs?, do you loose your perfect crank position or do you loose your slick shape, which one is less worst? Anyone ever heard the word 'compromise'? xD
To avoid the worst, fairing and its design must be kept in mind all the time. When you have your crank and seat in place in this 'LS'-project, you need to determine the fairing aswell in this very early state. First things first, you need to determine your pedal box by rotating your pedals and making notes of your cranking.
I'v done several sketches and measurements of my feet and my pedal-box, but nothing beats the real world modeling.
Below is my LS-project. Actually it's a jig where everything can be adjusted to find the correct geometry. Once you have your pieces in place, you need to measure your pedal box and all the space you need to have inside the fairing. When having those measurements, you need to transform these measures into 3D world to be able to make a 3d-model sketch out of it, but that is just the half of the "LS"-projects story..
Very cool idea,I was trying to think of a way to make a mock up.Will do it this way now.