Hi, haven't been here for a while, strange, but that's how it goes. Project, that streamlined bike has not been buried, it's still going, going stronger and with determination, which has never been lost. The whole spring and summer went with training and traveling, skating hasn't been my main goal anymore, it's biking, and only biking. During spring and summer I'v done biking about 12 to 15 hours a week, and that pace should be kept up during wintertime. Only race I took part this year was TdH-2010, which I passed with 4:07, that included one crash and two technical problems, so I'm pretty satisfied for my result, and I'v done racebiking only twice this summer, mainly focusing on mountainbiking, so from that perspective I'm more than happy. MTB is well deserved change to sometimes boring straight paved roads.
Now, rainy weather is here to stay and forces me to stick inside and finally I have some time to put into this project. During summer I do have done something, more modeling, few more new softwares and CFD simultors and virtual wind tunnels have been tested, and some new parts designed including new set of wheels and rear suspension concept and put also some effort into "landing gear" which seems to be quite challenging task, not to mention some new electronics focused only for competition purposes, so lots of stuff in my head waiting to come out some day.
Now, more modeling, final shape is just there, on fingertips :D